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Floorboards 13/10/2021

4 eco-friendly alternatives to timber flooring in Melbourne

Ready to walk the sustainable path and choose an eco-friendly flooring option for your space? Here’s a must-read blog post.

4 eco-friendly alternatives to timber flooring in Melbourne

Your floor not only affects the look and feel of your home but also has an impact on the environment. That’s a fact! Luckily, the range of sustainable flooring materials is growing fast and environmentally savvy people are seeking out alternatives for timber.

If you are planning to upgrade or finish your flooring, we suggest you take the sustainable route and reduce your carbon footprint. Below, we have mentioned some of the best alternatives for timber flooring. Please have a look.

Bamboo – The most sustainable flooring material

Bamboo is, undoubtedly, the most praised alternative for hardwood. As compared to timber, it is a fast-growing renewable resource and has low maintenance and high durability. Bamboo is also an antibacterial and waterproof flooring, a perfect choice for busy areas. On top of everything, bamboo is cheaper to produce and buy. Make sure the floorboards you buy are not finished with toxic glues that emit VOCs.

Natural carpets –A great alternative for timber

Carpets have long been a go-to flooring solution. Although they have typically been made using volatile organic compounds that are toxic in nature, there are some sustainable options too. For instance, wool and silk are the most sustainable carpeting materials that are soft to walk on and available in an array of colours, styles and patterns. Other natural fibres used to make carpets or rugs include sisal, jute and cotton.

Linoleum – Excellent for asthma or allergies

When you mix natural linseed oil with wood fillers and resins, linoleum is obtained. Although it has been replaced by PVC-based products, there are still many green-certified linoleum options out there that are 100% biodegradable. When you properly install high-quality linoleum, it can last for years without causing any trouble. Plus, it is a great choice for people suffering from asthma or allergies.

Limestone – The traditional way of flooring

As a sedimentary rock, limestone is not new to the flooring industry. It has been one of the most sought-after choices for centuries now. Made of calcium carbonate, limestone is a type of natural stone. Compared to timber, it is cheaper to install and buy. You can cut it into any size as per your requirement and achieve the setting you desire. However, limestone is porous and needs adequate care.

Final thoughts

We know, how much you love European Oak Timber Flooring, but there are some chic alternatives too, especially if you are concerned about climate change. Thanks to the latest technological advancement, eco-friendly floors have become affordable and viable now. Smart consumers know this and are ready to take the eco-friendly route. What about you?

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