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Rugs 07/05/2024

7 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Shaggy Rugs Fluffy

To ensure your shaggy rug maintains its fluffy allure amidst the vibrant city life, here are seven maintenance tips to consider.

7 Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Shaggy Rugs Fluffy

Shaggy rugs are a quintessential element of cozy home decor, offering warmth and texture to any room. In Melbourne, where the hustle and bustle of urban life can quickly take a toll on furnishings, it’s essential to know how to care for these luxurious floor coverings. To ensure your rug maintains its fluffy allure amidst the vibrant city life, here are seven maintenance tips to consider.

Seven Maintenance Tips to Keep Shaggy Rugs Fluffy:

1. Regular Rug Vacuuming: The cornerstone of rug maintenance is regular vacuuming. Set aside time each week to give your rug a thorough vacuuming session, paying special attention to high-traffic areas. Opt for a vacuum cleaner equipped with a rotating brush or beater bar to effectively lift dirt and debris from the rug’s long fibres. This not only keeps your rug looking clean but also helps maintain its fluffy texture by preventing dirt buildup that can weigh down the fibres.

2. Shake your Shaggy Rug Out: In addition to vacuuming, periodic shaking is essential for reviving the fluffiness of your rug. Take it outside and hang it over a railing or clothesline, then give it a good shake to dislodge any trapped dirt and restore the bounce to the fibres. This simple yet effective method helps prevent matting and keeps your rug looking and feeling plush. Aim to shake out your rug at least once a month, or more frequently if it’s exposed to heavy foot traffic or pet hair.

3. Rotate Your Rug Regularly: To prevent uneven wear and maintain consistent fluffiness, make it a habit to rotate your rug every few months. Over time, certain areas of the rug may flatten due to foot traffic or furniture placement, while others remain untouched. By rotating the rug, you distribute the wear more evenly, allowing all parts to retain their fluffy texture. This simple step can significantly extend the lifespan of your rug and keep it looking fresh and inviting for years to come.

4. Spot Clean Spills Immediately: Accidents are bound to happen, but prompt action can prevent spills from becoming permanent stains on your rug. When spills occur, blot the affected area immediately with a clean cloth or paper towel to absorb excess liquid. Avoid rubbing vigorously, as this can push the stain deeper into the fibres. Instead, gently dab the area with a mixture of mild detergent and water to lift the stain without damaging the rug’s fluffiness. With quick and careful attention, you can keep your rug looking pristine even in the face of spills and mishaps.

5. Professional Rug Cleaning: While regular maintenance can keep your rug clean and fluffy, periodic professional cleaning is essential for deep-seated dirt and allergens. Consider hiring a reputable rug cleaning service in Melbourne that specializes in rugs. They have the expertise and equipment to thoroughly clean and refresh your rug without compromising its texture or integrity. Professional cleaning not only removes ingrained dirt and odors but also rejuvenates the fibres, leaving your rug looking and feeling as fluffy as the day you bought it.

6. Use a Rug Pad: Enhance the longevity and fluffiness of your rug by investing in a high-quality flooring rug pad. A rug pad provides an extra layer of cushioning and support, reducing friction between the rug and the floor. This helps prevent premature wear and flattening of the fibres, ensuring that your rug maintains its plush texture for longer. Additionally, a rug pad helps keep your rug in place, preventing it from sliding or bunching up on hardwood or tile floors. Choose a pad specifically designed for rugs to maximize its effectiveness and prolong your rug’s lifespan.

7. Avoid High Traffic Areas: Finally, be mindful of where you place your traditional rug to minimize wear and tear. Avoid placing it in high-traffic areas such as hallways or entryways where it’s prone to heavy foot traffic. Instead, opt for low to moderate traffic areas like bedrooms or cozy corners where the rug can shine without enduring constant trampling. By strategically placing your rug, you can preserve its fluffiness and ensure that it remains a soft and inviting focal point in your Melbourne home for years to come.


Maintaining the fluffy allure of your shaggy rug in Melbourne requires a combination of regular upkeep and preventive measures. By incorporating these seven maintenance tips into your routine, you can ensure that your rug retains its plush texture and cozy appeal amidst the urban hustle and bustle. From regular vacuuming and shaking to rotating and spot cleaning, each step plays a vital role in preserving the beauty and longevity of your rug, allowing you to enjoy its warmth and comfort for years to come.

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