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Tiles 04/04/2023

Six signs it’s time to remodel your bathroom

Find yourself unsatisfied with your bathroom tiles, leaving whining about what irks you. It would be best if you thought of bathroom renovation. Read on to learn more.

Six signs it’s time to remodel your bathroom

While the idea of a bathroom renovation project may seem daunting, sometimes it is just necessary. Remodelling bathroom tiles takes time and money, but in the end, it will add more value to your property and improve your space’s overall look and feel.

If you’ve been looking for a sign to start your dream bathroom remodel project, this is it! Do you need to know whether it’s the right time to upgrade your bathroom tiles? Discover the signs below.

Sign #1: Chipped tiles and grout stains

If there’s visible damage in your bathroom, such as chipped tiles or grout stains, it’s an obvious sign that you need to renovate it. Visible damage can cause problems, so take care of them now. You can try to clean grout stains, but often you may have to replace the tiles altogether.

No need to deal with these things on your own. Invest in a professional flooring agency and get rid of rust, grime, cracks and everything else by tearing the wall or floor tiles down and starting anew.

Sign #2: Outdated décor

You bought your home when you first moved in months or years ago. It may reflect the old owner’s taste or style. Or maybe your taste has changed. Old-fashioned bathroom tiles are often the key driver behind bathroom updates. New textures, colour schemes and patterns are consistently on-trend.

So, consider a remodel if you want to switch bathroom tiles out for something more modern. Here, the tiles’ colour and pattern are an inspiring starting point. Not only are they the most notable element of a bathroom, but they also reflect your current style.

Sign #3: Mould formation

It’s true that bathrooms harbour humidity. That’s the reason why many homeowners have a problem with mould formation. You might notice the same, which is the ultimate sign that you need a remodel.

Although you can clean minor mould with bleach, remodelling your bathroom wall and floor tiles can help stop a small mould formation before it becomes significant. Make sure to insulate your bathroom and update the ventilation system, too.

Step #4: Breaks and leaks

Regarding bathroom tiles flooring, they are prone to regular wear and tear. If you notice the tiles are cracking and faucets are leaking, these are the signs that your bathroom needs a facelift. Such damages are unpleasant and pose a safety hazard.

Since most household accidents happen in bathrooms, consider a remodel to avoid taking a fall or inhaling mould and other toxins. Also, your bathroom may seem tiny for your needs, but you can constantly update it to look bigger and better.

Sign #5: Cramped layout

Not all bathrooms were designed with 21st-century homeowners in mind, with older estates having outdated designs. So, if you’re struggling with the tile size, layout or arrangement, this is another sign that it’s time for remodelling.

With some thought, your bathroom floor tiles can be laid out differently to optimise the available space, enhance functionality, and give a feeling of extraordinary luxury. You can keep everything simple by repositioning the organisational pieces or taking them to the next level by updating bathroom tiles with a newer model.

Sign #6: Home selling

If you plan to sell your property in the future, a bathroom could make all the difference in helping you sell at a favourable price. Bathrooms are often cited as a home’s most significant selling point.

It is best to make only minor remodels when planning to sell. Updating the flooring and walls won’t require significant alterations to the layout, which makes the renovation more affordable and easier to complete. This will also help the bathroom look better in your real estate listing pictures.

Final thoughts

Remodelling or replacing your bathroom tiles might seem expensive, but putting more time and effort into updating them will make your bathroom more valuable and appealing. So, get ready to enhance your daily morning experience. Here at Western Distributors, we will help you with a free tiling consultation to discuss yours remodel ideas and budget.

If any signs indicate that you need to update your bathroom tiles, contact us or visit our North Sunshine showroom today.

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